
Thoughts are measured by how you make decisions. When there are constant dares that you encounter, solution creation is possible based on decision making abilities.

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.”  (The Buddha)

There was a moment in my life that I started experiencing unusual challenges, and because my mind was so lethargic, I thought it was me getting older – and I’m only just 26 years old. I always felt fatigued or insomniac, anti-social and blocked in a spiral of lacklustre thinking patterns. Sensations grew to a tipping point where I just couldn’t cope anymore.

I began to realize that my thought patterns are driven by how I conquer the trials and tribulations of my daily journeys. Only way out was to re-calibrate the thought patterns into something worthwhile. So I began exercising and reading, and began being communal again.

The reason I would, and still induce myself to certain actions like physical enlightenment or mental stimulation is because of the bizarre sensations I used to get, and still do after the weekend conventions with family, friends, or acquaintances. Exchange of foods (sometimes with drinks) and dialogues with people has a profound impact on how my weekdays will be subjugated in terms of decision-making.

I find myself compelled to mend my thought routines because of weekend endeavours that drive me to exercising and reading on a regular bases.

Open dialogue with people around you about strategizing how your undertakings (exercising and reading) will be fulfilled is essential for appropriate inclusiveness advancement.

“The way to expand our lives is to model the lives of those people who are already succeeding.”

It would be better to grow my acquaintances’ circle for better enhanced comparisons in terms of more scenarios, the higher the chances of implementing the right strategies for your systematic activities. Therefore social networking plays a huge role in growing your acquaintances’ circle by a huge margin. The bigger the networks, the more grandeur your progression becomes. 

Inspire your mind and let us know about better strategies for more effective decision-making.